September 2, 2014

Tuesday... Ick!

It was easier to get up this morning than either morning of last week. I guess I will eventually get used to it. I actually woke up about 2 minutes before my alarm instead of sleeping through half of it. I put my hair in soft curlers last night, so its a curly hair day. My hair is finally long enough to do that again. Half of the hair fell out of the curlers though (as so often happens when I don't need it to) so I ended up doing quite a bit of touching up with the actual curling iron. And, despite my tiredness, I managed to look cute today. From my hair to my tutu-like skirt. Hooray for cuteness! Boo for tiredness.

I should have eaten breakfast this morning but I totally didn't. Now I'm hungry and tired. I suppose coffee or something from the cafe thingy is an option, but I'd rather not get up. I have to sit at a different table today because someone is already sitting at mine. Mine? I sat there for 2 mornings. Its funny, she's on a laptop as well, though I don't think she's blogging. She's probably actually doing homework.

I'm starting to get into the swing of things as far as homework goes also. I need to work on my outline for my speech, do a study guide for government, and read "Trifles" this morning. Although, I might not actually read Trifles since I've read it like 3 times already. But I still have 2.5 hours to decide that. You'd think this would make me get off the blog and work, but NAH.

Still haven't heard from Andrew since about lunchtime Sunday. I know I'm whiny and needy and clingy and annoying, but at least let me know I still matter. My mind has a wonderful way of convincing me that people don't really care. I mean, I know that people have a life outside of me. I know that I'm not the center of the universe. But still... Ick. Sadness.

I swear, coffee would make this day so much better. Maybe theatre class will cheer me up. It generally does.

Oh, I started a group on facebook yesterday. Mainly because one didn't exist and I need it to exist for the purpose of homework help. I don't like being an Admin on it, but I'll stay one for now. Its a group for college nerdfighters. I thought there would already be one, but apparently not. I thought it would be good for homework help AND for socializing with college age people especially, since a lot of the main NERDFIGHTERIA facebook page is middle and high schoolers. We already have 26 members and like 4 or 5 admins besides me. But it seems that I'm probably the one that is on facebook the most.

I did the ice bucket challenge yesterday. Whoo. I still need to get online at home and donate my $10. I'll do that tonight or tomorrow morning I guess. In all honesty, I should have put the ice in the bucket before I started filming, since it meant the water wasn't that cold. I mean, it wasn't warm by any means, but it wasn't ice cold. WHATEVER. I'm donating money, so that's the important part. The video went on the KEEYSS channel because it was my vlog for today. Feel free to watch me have water dumped all over me by my mother.

Well, I"m going to write a rough draft of a speech outline and work on a study guide. Have a great day!

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