Okay, so first of all, I have to announce that as of today, the blog has reached over 1000 views this month! WHOOOOO! And, that means that something special is about to happen.
Yesterday I was sitting there in one of my classes and thinking about nothing in particular. And I had this idea. I like to learn, but I can also teach. Many other people want to learn, but cannot understand some topics until they are explained in detail. I can teach them, but how? And then it hit me. I could use YouTube in the same way as Vsauce and SciShow and all of those other fantastic people, in the way of teaching people about things. But I could not think of one thing in particular that I want to teach, so I figure, why not teach all the things!?
So, starting in April, I will be posting videos every week to my second channel, Knowledge Days. Its called knowledge days because each day of the week is deticated to a different subject, and the whole thing is about learning and teaching. Here is the schedule:
Monday - Math
Tuesday - Language
Wednesday - Science
Thursday - History
Friday - Fun Stuff
I will be posting a video on that channel within the next 48 hours to explain in more detail about the show. I hope to record and upload them in advance and have them be published on those days.
I was hoping to have this ready in time to participate in VEDA, which is the idea of doing a Video Every Day in April. It was something that I heard of from one of the Green brothers. I will still be posting things on my main channel, because this is just like a side project. An expansion of what I am already doing to fight against stupidity and world suck. I hope to get that started by April first, but I may have to wait until the monday of the next week: April 7th.
Yesterday I filmed several videos for the channel and shortly afterwards I realized that I was wearing the same shirt in each video. So, I think I'll make it so that in each week of videos I wear a different shirt, that way I have the ability to film all of the things in one day. The only thing that I am concerned about is editing the videos. I may recruit my brother to help me with that, since each one will be about 2 or 3 minutes long.
Tomorrow we don't have school because it is Good Friday. Its the Christian holiday where we remember the day of Jesus' death on the cross, and three days later we celebrate him rising again through Easter Sunday.
I have something that I will be doing on Saturday, plus I have to take a test for my online Sociology class. Gosh, I am ready for that class to be over.
Next week I have talent show auditions on monday. I'm scared and excited at the same time, because I'm not quite decided as to what I will be performing. I have had several ideas, I just can't decide. I guess I'll know by monday though. Then on Saturday of next week, I will be visiting a college with my mom. I've been to that one before, so its not a big deal. Wednesday of the week after that, we have our official rehearsal on the Hunstville stage for one act play. The next day is the contest, which I am very scared about because I don't know what to think about it. I hope we advance. Then, on Friday I am taking a college day to go with my mom and spend two days at a college in San Marcos, which is pretty far away. We have to spend the night in a hotel and visit the college the next day, so I will be missing school. There is supposedly a mall nearby that we will hopefully visit. And those are my plans for the next few weeks.
Happy Weekend!
Elizabeth W.
March 28, 2013
March 27, 2013
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
I just finished reading the book The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith last night. It was a great book with a really cute story. TSPOLAFS, gosh that is a whopper of an initialism (not an acronym, because you can't pronounce it as a word), follows the 48 hour story of these two teenagers who meet in an airport and end up on the same flight to London. The girl is on her way to her father's wedding to her new stepmother and the boy is on his way to... Well, another event that is similar but not the same. And they're so perfect for eachother and end up talking about everything under the sun and basically falling in love within the first few hours of them meeting. I would give this book basically a 9 out of 10 because it ends in a cliff hanger, and I want to know if they end up becoming boyfriend/girlfriend or if they ever see eachother again. I thought it was going to be terrible because the beginning is kind of slow, but it turned out to be a great read, and unique because the story happened in such a short amount of time.
The librarian is not at school today, which bothers me because I don't have a book to read since I finished TSPOLAFS. I don't know what I'll do all day to occupy my time, especially since I don't have drama practice today. I guess I'll study and work on scholarship applications. Maybe when I get home I'll work on a video. I have a couple ready to edit, I just have to sit down and work on them.
I wonder what the SPOLAFS really is. I mean, obviously the probability is very small. I guess 1 in 1000000000 or so. I wish you could actually look that up, because I tried and I still didn't find it. Probably because it is impossible to study.
I really don't know what to talk about today. I'm not really in a talkative mood. More of a thinkative mood.
I'm going to try and start an exercise routine soon. I'm kind of scared, because I'm not very athletic at all, but I really do want to get back into shape. We have a really long driveway, so I'll be using that to run and bike and walk and stuff. We also have a weight lifting set thing. I forgot what its called. It is not wieght stuff exactly, but more like resistance training. GAH, why can't I remember what that is called?!?! I've thought about eating healthier, but I really don't like to do things like that, and it requires too much willpower, so I will not. I figure some exercise is better than none at all.
Prom is the real reason that I am going to start exercising again. I need to make sure that I still fit into my prom dress. I need to lose that winter insulation. I am by no means fat, but I do feel slightly unhealthy, though I am probably underweight for my age/size. I think if I can start now and get used to exercising, maybe the dreaded "Freshman 15" will skip over me. I also know that it will be better for my future and I will have fewer health problems when I am older. I think its wierd how exercise plans always say "Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise regimen or diet", but no one ever does, unless the doctor is the one who tells them to do it. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I just think exercise needs to be a spontaneous thing, where you decide maybe a week or two before, not consult your doctor before you start it. Doctors don't know me. They don't know about what I need to do. *Insert attitude here*
Elizabeth W.
The librarian is not at school today, which bothers me because I don't have a book to read since I finished TSPOLAFS. I don't know what I'll do all day to occupy my time, especially since I don't have drama practice today. I guess I'll study and work on scholarship applications. Maybe when I get home I'll work on a video. I have a couple ready to edit, I just have to sit down and work on them.
I wonder what the SPOLAFS really is. I mean, obviously the probability is very small. I guess 1 in 1000000000 or so. I wish you could actually look that up, because I tried and I still didn't find it. Probably because it is impossible to study.
I really don't know what to talk about today. I'm not really in a talkative mood. More of a thinkative mood.
I'm going to try and start an exercise routine soon. I'm kind of scared, because I'm not very athletic at all, but I really do want to get back into shape. We have a really long driveway, so I'll be using that to run and bike and walk and stuff. We also have a weight lifting set thing. I forgot what its called. It is not wieght stuff exactly, but more like resistance training. GAH, why can't I remember what that is called?!?! I've thought about eating healthier, but I really don't like to do things like that, and it requires too much willpower, so I will not. I figure some exercise is better than none at all.
Prom is the real reason that I am going to start exercising again. I need to make sure that I still fit into my prom dress. I need to lose that winter insulation. I am by no means fat, but I do feel slightly unhealthy, though I am probably underweight for my age/size. I think if I can start now and get used to exercising, maybe the dreaded "Freshman 15" will skip over me. I also know that it will be better for my future and I will have fewer health problems when I am older. I think its wierd how exercise plans always say "Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise regimen or diet", but no one ever does, unless the doctor is the one who tells them to do it. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I just think exercise needs to be a spontaneous thing, where you decide maybe a week or two before, not consult your doctor before you start it. Doctors don't know me. They don't know about what I need to do. *Insert attitude here*
Elizabeth W.
March 26, 2013
Spanish Extra Credit
!Hola¡ Soy Belinda, Y este dia, cantare una canta para tu.
Okay, just kidding, but I do have something I have to do in spanish today. I'm also too lazy to put real grammar and accent marks in this post. I have brought my ukulele to school today in order to perform a song in spanish in spanish class. I could use some extra credit, is all. I made some grades on quizzes that I am not very proud of, and I want to do this to bring up my grade a little, since I'm trying to keep my ranking of 3rd place through the end of the 6 weeks when grades are locked in. I probably should have done that in a few other 6 weeks to, but whatever. I'm going to perform the song "A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez, but in spanish, it is "Un Ano Sin Ver Llover". I hope I get most of the pronunciation right. Last period I performed it because I was asked to by some kids in my aquatic science class. It was slightly emberassing. And I get really nervous and slightly sweaty when I do unplanned performances, so it was a little awkward.
Because of one act play, I have to miss my field trip for aquatic science. The teacher says he'll try and work something out, but I doubt it will happen. Its only a trip to a lake, so its not like I won't ever be able to do that thing again. And there will be another field trip a little later on, so I'm not worried.
I need to go and talk to the principal or vice principal today during lunch. I found this thing online where if I teach this three lesson course on financial education, I can be entered to win a $10,000 scholarship, and the people who attend get entered to win $1,000 scholarships. I have already printed out the first two lessons, I just have to get permission and a sponsor. I think I might get the librarian or maybe a math teacher. I'll just have to ask around. There are only three sessions, so it shouldn't be a big problem. I'll just have to make sure to get some posters printed out and get it announced. I think people will come, especially when they hear about the scholarship part. I have to take pictures in order to put them in my contest entry also.
I think I might search around for similar things while I am online today. I think there might be some others.
Elizabeth W.
Okay, just kidding, but I do have something I have to do in spanish today. I'm also too lazy to put real grammar and accent marks in this post. I have brought my ukulele to school today in order to perform a song in spanish in spanish class. I could use some extra credit, is all. I made some grades on quizzes that I am not very proud of, and I want to do this to bring up my grade a little, since I'm trying to keep my ranking of 3rd place through the end of the 6 weeks when grades are locked in. I probably should have done that in a few other 6 weeks to, but whatever. I'm going to perform the song "A Year Without Rain" by Selena Gomez, but in spanish, it is "Un Ano Sin Ver Llover". I hope I get most of the pronunciation right. Last period I performed it because I was asked to by some kids in my aquatic science class. It was slightly emberassing. And I get really nervous and slightly sweaty when I do unplanned performances, so it was a little awkward.
Because of one act play, I have to miss my field trip for aquatic science. The teacher says he'll try and work something out, but I doubt it will happen. Its only a trip to a lake, so its not like I won't ever be able to do that thing again. And there will be another field trip a little later on, so I'm not worried.
I need to go and talk to the principal or vice principal today during lunch. I found this thing online where if I teach this three lesson course on financial education, I can be entered to win a $10,000 scholarship, and the people who attend get entered to win $1,000 scholarships. I have already printed out the first two lessons, I just have to get permission and a sponsor. I think I might get the librarian or maybe a math teacher. I'll just have to ask around. There are only three sessions, so it shouldn't be a big problem. I'll just have to make sure to get some posters printed out and get it announced. I think people will come, especially when they hear about the scholarship part. I have to take pictures in order to put them in my contest entry also.
I think I might search around for similar things while I am online today. I think there might be some others.
Elizabeth W.
extra credit,
March 25, 2013
A lot has happened since the last time I blogged, so I'll start with Friday.
On Friday, we went to One Act Pay competition. We performed and did amazing. Our school is advancing to the next round for the first time since 2007. I got the award "Honorable Mention All-Star Cast". We preform for the school on Tuesday and Thursday of this week, and our Area competition is on April 11. I can't believe that we made it!
On Saturday, it was my brother's birthday. I got up early and did some online homework, then we all packed up and went to the mall. On the way there, we made a music video/montage that I'm going to edit together and put on my channel. He got to go to different stores and pick out his birthday gifts. I managed to get my mother to buy me a pair of pink skinny jeans though, so I got stuff too.Then we ate lunch at the food court. I had chick-fil-a, which was rather delicious. When we got home, I spent time reading and playing the ukulele. My mom and I baked a cake for my brother. It was a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake, and it was awesome. We were supposed to use a spring-form pan, so that we could make it, then take the sides off and it would be pretty. But, we couldn't find one, so we just made it in a pan, then put it on a plate. It was one of our first pinterest recipes. I watched my brother play one of his new games, The Walking Dead, also. One of the gifts that he got was a thing to make videos out of videogame play, so he will have his videogame channel up and running soon.
On Sunday, we got up and went to church. Then, we went out and ate mexican food, which was lovely. I had a delicious Torta, my favourite mexican sandwich. We went to Walmart and got some stuff. I found this soap/lotion dispenser that is a mickey mouse head that was on sale, and my mom let me get it so that I can put it with my "Stuff to take to college". When we got home, we played some ukulele, and then I put on some music and began cleaning my room-ish area in the corner of the living room. I managed to start a box for my "Stuff to take to college", and I have a significant amount of stuff already. Mainly lotion and soaps and stuff, but stuff nonetheless. Then I spent the rest of the night printing out scholarship applications, since I felt bad that I had missed the deadline for one of the big ones.
And, I think that is about all you need to know. I have to turn in my permission slip for the talent show today, but I have no clue who to turn it in to. I don't know where the sponsor teacher is during the day. I guess I'll take it to the office during lunch. I began going through my AP Government flashcards today, so maybe I'll be ready when the test comes. So far, I haven't found anything in them that seems relavent. I think I have the economics test in the bag though. I'm good at economics.
I finished reading the book "Room" this weekend also. I started the other book, "The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight" this morning, and it seems pretty good, but not as good as "Room". I have done quite a bit of scholarship filling out and smash book-ing this morning also. I had coffee, so I just have to keep doing things.
Elizabeth W.
On Friday, we went to One Act Pay competition. We performed and did amazing. Our school is advancing to the next round for the first time since 2007. I got the award "Honorable Mention All-Star Cast". We preform for the school on Tuesday and Thursday of this week, and our Area competition is on April 11. I can't believe that we made it!
On Saturday, it was my brother's birthday. I got up early and did some online homework, then we all packed up and went to the mall. On the way there, we made a music video/montage that I'm going to edit together and put on my channel. He got to go to different stores and pick out his birthday gifts. I managed to get my mother to buy me a pair of pink skinny jeans though, so I got stuff too.Then we ate lunch at the food court. I had chick-fil-a, which was rather delicious. When we got home, I spent time reading and playing the ukulele. My mom and I baked a cake for my brother. It was a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake, and it was awesome. We were supposed to use a spring-form pan, so that we could make it, then take the sides off and it would be pretty. But, we couldn't find one, so we just made it in a pan, then put it on a plate. It was one of our first pinterest recipes. I watched my brother play one of his new games, The Walking Dead, also. One of the gifts that he got was a thing to make videos out of videogame play, so he will have his videogame channel up and running soon.
On Sunday, we got up and went to church. Then, we went out and ate mexican food, which was lovely. I had a delicious Torta, my favourite mexican sandwich. We went to Walmart and got some stuff. I found this soap/lotion dispenser that is a mickey mouse head that was on sale, and my mom let me get it so that I can put it with my "Stuff to take to college". When we got home, we played some ukulele, and then I put on some music and began cleaning my room-ish area in the corner of the living room. I managed to start a box for my "Stuff to take to college", and I have a significant amount of stuff already. Mainly lotion and soaps and stuff, but stuff nonetheless. Then I spent the rest of the night printing out scholarship applications, since I felt bad that I had missed the deadline for one of the big ones.
And, I think that is about all you need to know. I have to turn in my permission slip for the talent show today, but I have no clue who to turn it in to. I don't know where the sponsor teacher is during the day. I guess I'll take it to the office during lunch. I began going through my AP Government flashcards today, so maybe I'll be ready when the test comes. So far, I haven't found anything in them that seems relavent. I think I have the economics test in the bag though. I'm good at economics.
I finished reading the book "Room" this weekend also. I started the other book, "The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight" this morning, and it seems pretty good, but not as good as "Room". I have done quite a bit of scholarship filling out and smash book-ing this morning also. I had coffee, so I just have to keep doing things.
Elizabeth W.
March 21, 2013
Yesterday, at about this same time, I finished Les Miserables. It was a good book, but I was glad to finish it. Then, at lunch I went back to the library and got a new book. I was planning on getting "The Statistical Probablility of Love at First Sight", but I saw another book that I got instead. Its called "Room" and its by Emma Donoghue.
Room is about a boy who lives with his mom in this one room building. His mom was kidnapped and put into this room buy the character "Old Nick". She was used sexually by the man, and the boy, Jack is their child. Through a very complicated plan, they manage to escape. And thats as far as I have read. I'm about half way through. I think I might finish it by tomorrow. I think I'll check out another book today, just to make sure I have plenty to read tomorrow.
Tomorrow is one act play competition day. I'm scared and excited at the same time. It feels like there should still be a month's worth of practices left, but we only have today. I just want to get it over with.
I have drama practice today, but I also have to stay after school. I have to be in tutorials to take a quiz that I missed in spanish class. I'll probably have to go to tutorials on monday too, to do what I miss on friday. I just want the week to be over already. Tomorrow will be such a long day.
I really want to get back to reading, because I was at a really intense part.
Elizabeth W.
Room is about a boy who lives with his mom in this one room building. His mom was kidnapped and put into this room buy the character "Old Nick". She was used sexually by the man, and the boy, Jack is their child. Through a very complicated plan, they manage to escape. And thats as far as I have read. I'm about half way through. I think I might finish it by tomorrow. I think I'll check out another book today, just to make sure I have plenty to read tomorrow.
Tomorrow is one act play competition day. I'm scared and excited at the same time. It feels like there should still be a month's worth of practices left, but we only have today. I just want to get it over with.
I have drama practice today, but I also have to stay after school. I have to be in tutorials to take a quiz that I missed in spanish class. I'll probably have to go to tutorials on monday too, to do what I miss on friday. I just want the week to be over already. Tomorrow will be such a long day.
I really want to get back to reading, because I was at a really intense part.
Elizabeth W.
March 20, 2013
I am currently rushing to finish the book Les Miserables. Why? I do love the book and I want to finish it in good time, but it is technically due back to the library today and I want to see about getting it turned in so I can have another book to read. I guess I could just check it out to myself again, then check out another book too. That way I can finish the book tomorrow or whatever, and turn it in then, and still have a book to read. I shall ponder this.
Yesterday, so people were talking about blogging. They were talking about certain teachers that blogged, and how strange it was. I don't know if I'll be able to find the blogs, but I want to try nonetheless. Anyway, they said that one teacher had posted something not so nice on her blog, and they wondered if someone would figure out and she would get in trouble. Then they said that another teacher had a blog too, and they talked about how blogging seemed really lame. Who blogs? they said sarcastically. I actually raised my hand at this point, but I was ignored. They seemed a little confused.
I was talking with my dad about this occurence last night, and he said that blogging is something that people find strange because not everyone can do it, but it seems that it doesn't require talent. Personally, I think that blogging is something that requires someone who can type well and knows how to write stories and essays and such. Its almost like a diary, but a public one that is really read more by people that you don't know than people that you do know. I don't really care what they think about blogging, because I like it, so I shall continue, at least for now.
Last period in aquatic science, we began our first dissection: a perch. The fact that we have to open up a fish and point out specific parts doesn't bother me, but the fact that it is dead and stiff and smells like chemicals does. I have always had an aversion to dead things. I cannot stand them, and I have even had nightmares that involved death and dead things. I just don't like being around or looking at or touching things that are no longer alive. It just seems wrong.
One kid in FCA seems like he keeps trying to stop me and Shelby from teaching a lesson in the mornings. He keeps trying to get guest speakers and trying to get us not to have a lesson ready. Of course, many times he fails to get the person, so we always have a lesson ready just in case. Today was supposed to be my wednesday to teach, but he got a teacher to come and give a lesson instead. Don't get me wrong, this teacher is a youth pastor, and I love the way he presents a message. The lesson this person gave today was awesome. However, I feel like this boy is trying to get rid of me or something. I am normally not bothered by things like this, but its my senior year, and I have only been teaching this year. If he doesn't like my lessons, he should just tell me to my face. I don't need him trying to undermine me behind my back.
I have a song stuck in my head that is really good. Gold by Britt Nicole. I love it. I don't know all of the words yet though, so that poses a slight problem.
This is for all the girls
Boys all over the world
No matter what you've been told
You're worth more than gold...
I love Britt Nicole and her music because I feel like she is a more grown up version of me, almost. You can tell by her music that she has a big heart and a love for
God. It reminds me of the song "Show Jesus" by Jamie Grace.
I gotta tell you that I like the way
Any time anywhere any place
It's written all over your face
The way you love Jesus
And it always speaks to me
A little joy with a touch of peace
It's so inspiring
The way you show Jesus
Jamie Grace is awesome too. I watched a video that Jamie Grace posted on youtube about how she doesn't go out searching for a boyfriend or dating for fun like everyone else because she expects that God has someone for her and she isn't going to date anyone until God wants her to. I learned that lesson this last summer and I started living my life in that manner. And look at me now! I have a boyfriend, and even if we don't get married or we break up in 6 months, I'll be good because I know God has a plan for both of us.
The book that I read that taught me that was "When God Writes Your Love Story". It really changed my perspective on dating and marriage and relationships. I wish more teenagers would read it, so that they can understand the kind of relationships God wants for people, and what they need to get straight in their life before they try to be a part of anyone else's.
Have a fantastic day y'all, and remember how much God loves you!
Elizabeth W.
Yesterday, so people were talking about blogging. They were talking about certain teachers that blogged, and how strange it was. I don't know if I'll be able to find the blogs, but I want to try nonetheless. Anyway, they said that one teacher had posted something not so nice on her blog, and they wondered if someone would figure out and she would get in trouble. Then they said that another teacher had a blog too, and they talked about how blogging seemed really lame. Who blogs? they said sarcastically. I actually raised my hand at this point, but I was ignored. They seemed a little confused.
I was talking with my dad about this occurence last night, and he said that blogging is something that people find strange because not everyone can do it, but it seems that it doesn't require talent. Personally, I think that blogging is something that requires someone who can type well and knows how to write stories and essays and such. Its almost like a diary, but a public one that is really read more by people that you don't know than people that you do know. I don't really care what they think about blogging, because I like it, so I shall continue, at least for now.
Last period in aquatic science, we began our first dissection: a perch. The fact that we have to open up a fish and point out specific parts doesn't bother me, but the fact that it is dead and stiff and smells like chemicals does. I have always had an aversion to dead things. I cannot stand them, and I have even had nightmares that involved death and dead things. I just don't like being around or looking at or touching things that are no longer alive. It just seems wrong.
One kid in FCA seems like he keeps trying to stop me and Shelby from teaching a lesson in the mornings. He keeps trying to get guest speakers and trying to get us not to have a lesson ready. Of course, many times he fails to get the person, so we always have a lesson ready just in case. Today was supposed to be my wednesday to teach, but he got a teacher to come and give a lesson instead. Don't get me wrong, this teacher is a youth pastor, and I love the way he presents a message. The lesson this person gave today was awesome. However, I feel like this boy is trying to get rid of me or something. I am normally not bothered by things like this, but its my senior year, and I have only been teaching this year. If he doesn't like my lessons, he should just tell me to my face. I don't need him trying to undermine me behind my back.
I have a song stuck in my head that is really good. Gold by Britt Nicole. I love it. I don't know all of the words yet though, so that poses a slight problem.
This is for all the girls
Boys all over the world
No matter what you've been told
You're worth more than gold...
I love Britt Nicole and her music because I feel like she is a more grown up version of me, almost. You can tell by her music that she has a big heart and a love for
God. It reminds me of the song "Show Jesus" by Jamie Grace.
I gotta tell you that I like the way
Any time anywhere any place
It's written all over your face
The way you love Jesus
And it always speaks to me
A little joy with a touch of peace
It's so inspiring
The way you show Jesus
Jamie Grace is awesome too. I watched a video that Jamie Grace posted on youtube about how she doesn't go out searching for a boyfriend or dating for fun like everyone else because she expects that God has someone for her and she isn't going to date anyone until God wants her to. I learned that lesson this last summer and I started living my life in that manner. And look at me now! I have a boyfriend, and even if we don't get married or we break up in 6 months, I'll be good because I know God has a plan for both of us.
The book that I read that taught me that was "When God Writes Your Love Story". It really changed my perspective on dating and marriage and relationships. I wish more teenagers would read it, so that they can understand the kind of relationships God wants for people, and what they need to get straight in their life before they try to be a part of anyone else's.
Have a fantastic day y'all, and remember how much God loves you!
Elizabeth W.
March 19, 2013
Yes, it is true. I am almost done with Les Miserables. I love this book so much. I know what is going to happen, but its nice to read it in words. My favorite character right now is Gavroche. I think it is because of the way he was portrayed in the 25th anniversary edition that I watched. He was so adorable. And now that I am reading the book and I know his backstory, I almost feel sorry for him. His parents didn't love him, so they cast him out into the street, and he made his way on his own, even though he was just a child.
My friend, Ellen, who loves Les Miserables, got slightly upset at me yesterday. It wasn't anything major, she was just appauled that I wasn't reading the full version of Les Miserables. She said that I should have to suffer through all of the thousands of pages in the whole version. I don't think I could ever do that. If I can't finish a book in three weeks or less of reading in my spare time, I get bored with it. Thats why I haven't read some books like LOTR and stuff. Oh, that AND the vocabulary sometimes just bores me to death. There shouldn't be THAT many words that I don't know in one book. And sentences should be less than five lines long.
Yesterday was rather productive for those of us in One Act. However, it was more so to the crew than the actors because the actors didn't really get to run through the play. After the rehearsal, we went to eat at a burger place in the same city. Its called Jax or Jack's or something like that. They have amazing food at a decent price. I had a three cheese 1/3 pound burger, fries, a Dr. Pepper, and a chocolate milkshake afterwards. It was so delicious and I was super miserable on the way home from eating too much. I didn't think that I was that hungry, but when I got my food, I devoured it immediately.
We also had the great idea to order using the names of the characters in the play. So, I went up there when they called for "Tillie". It wasn't spelled right though. They spelled it with a Y instead of an IE. We were a little annoyed at that, but the reciept is still going in my smash book. Speaking of which, I have collected a bunch of stuff to put in there, so I think I'll sit down this weekend and put it all together.
I am so ready for all of this crazy mess to be over with so that I can have free time again, and catch up on my sleep. I think I might try out for the talent show this year. I did it last semester, but it was cancelled because not enough people showed up. I'm not sure what I will do though. I could sing and play the ukulele. Or I could just sing. Not really sure. Or I could do a combined act with my little brother, since he is in middle school and we could both play the ukulele and sing. Or he could play the ukulele and I could sing. I don't know. I had a song ready last semester, so I might just do that one.
I meant to show my lifescouts collection to my friends yesterday because I told them about it and they thought it was cool. I keep forgetting that not everyone watches the same youtube channels that I do, and that not everyone keeps up with british pop culture like me. It is kind of annoying to be into different things than everyone else my age in the same area. I mean, it shows that I am very much an individual, but I get kind of tired of it sometimes.
I watched this video the other day called "Llamas with hats". Its not a super nice video, but its kind of funny and kind of dumb. It was made by the same people as the charlie the unicorn videos. I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I won't explain it. CAAARRLL! THAT KILLS PEOPLE! haha.
I hope to be able to work on the legacy videos some more this weekend. I'm brainstorming as I go, and I have some ideas, so I just need to write them down and make the videos. I'm really excited abou this mini-series type thing. I saw a video yesterday that seemed almost like it was copying my idea to some extent, but it was on a different subject matter. Plus, I think many people do that same style of video as I used in Legacy, so I'll let it go.
Elizabeth W.
My friend, Ellen, who loves Les Miserables, got slightly upset at me yesterday. It wasn't anything major, she was just appauled that I wasn't reading the full version of Les Miserables. She said that I should have to suffer through all of the thousands of pages in the whole version. I don't think I could ever do that. If I can't finish a book in three weeks or less of reading in my spare time, I get bored with it. Thats why I haven't read some books like LOTR and stuff. Oh, that AND the vocabulary sometimes just bores me to death. There shouldn't be THAT many words that I don't know in one book. And sentences should be less than five lines long.
Yesterday was rather productive for those of us in One Act. However, it was more so to the crew than the actors because the actors didn't really get to run through the play. After the rehearsal, we went to eat at a burger place in the same city. Its called Jax or Jack's or something like that. They have amazing food at a decent price. I had a three cheese 1/3 pound burger, fries, a Dr. Pepper, and a chocolate milkshake afterwards. It was so delicious and I was super miserable on the way home from eating too much. I didn't think that I was that hungry, but when I got my food, I devoured it immediately.
We also had the great idea to order using the names of the characters in the play. So, I went up there when they called for "Tillie". It wasn't spelled right though. They spelled it with a Y instead of an IE. We were a little annoyed at that, but the reciept is still going in my smash book. Speaking of which, I have collected a bunch of stuff to put in there, so I think I'll sit down this weekend and put it all together.
I am so ready for all of this crazy mess to be over with so that I can have free time again, and catch up on my sleep. I think I might try out for the talent show this year. I did it last semester, but it was cancelled because not enough people showed up. I'm not sure what I will do though. I could sing and play the ukulele. Or I could just sing. Not really sure. Or I could do a combined act with my little brother, since he is in middle school and we could both play the ukulele and sing. Or he could play the ukulele and I could sing. I don't know. I had a song ready last semester, so I might just do that one.
I meant to show my lifescouts collection to my friends yesterday because I told them about it and they thought it was cool. I keep forgetting that not everyone watches the same youtube channels that I do, and that not everyone keeps up with british pop culture like me. It is kind of annoying to be into different things than everyone else my age in the same area. I mean, it shows that I am very much an individual, but I get kind of tired of it sometimes.
I watched this video the other day called "Llamas with hats". Its not a super nice video, but its kind of funny and kind of dumb. It was made by the same people as the charlie the unicorn videos. I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I won't explain it. CAAARRLL! THAT KILLS PEOPLE! haha.
I hope to be able to work on the legacy videos some more this weekend. I'm brainstorming as I go, and I have some ideas, so I just need to write them down and make the videos. I'm really excited abou this mini-series type thing. I saw a video yesterday that seemed almost like it was copying my idea to some extent, but it was on a different subject matter. Plus, I think many people do that same style of video as I used in Legacy, so I'll let it go.
Elizabeth W.
March 18, 2013
What Time Is It?
Haha. I have to go with the one act people today for our official rehearsal on the contest stage. We have to eat first lunch again, which is good because I am super hungry, and I hope to be able to sleep on the bus.
This morning I was just leaving the house, almost out of the driveway, when I got a text message from my drama teacher. Don't forget to wear your one act shirt! So, we had to back up and I ran inside and got it, then changed at school. I think she needs to work on her timing of text messages. I wasn't the only one who almost forgot either. She said that she told us to wear them today when we were at practice on monday. However, I don't think that she did, because no one can remember it.
I have developed this brochitis-y cough thing again. It is really annoying, and it scares me a bit since contest for one act is on friday. I hope it goes away. My throat doesn't hurt or anything, but I keep coughing. Not a shallow "Oh, I'm sick" cough, but a serious bronchitis-y cough from my lungs. Ain't nobody got time for that!
I have a song stuck in my head right now that is from adventure time, by the way, hence the intro. I don't watch adventure time, nor will I in the near future, but I saw the cover of the song "Good Little Girl/Bad Little Boy" that Meekakitty did, and I loved it. So, I learned it on the Ukulele, but I still don't know the very last verse in the version that she sang.
Good little girl, always picking a fight with me,
You know that I'm bad, but you're spending the night with me,
What do you want from my world? You're a good little girl...
Bad little boy, thats what you're acting like,
But oh, I don't buy that you're that kind of guy,
And if you are, why don't you just say goodbye?
Good little girl, you've stolen my heart... Something something something.
I really don't know the rest, so if you do, please tell me in the comments. I don't mean the monologue version either. I should probably just look up the video of meekakitty and rusty, then just make a video of my own of me covering it.
On the first sunday of spring break, I had a skype date with my dearest. It was fun, and slightly awkward, but then again, I've never skyped anyone before, so that was probably the reason. I played that song during the date. Just FYI.
On saturday, we went to Ellen's house after drama practice and hung out. We had burgers and then we sat and watched a video of our play that we had made earlier that day. After that, we went outside and built a fire and roasted marshmallows. I brought my ukulele along and I played it when we were outside. It started by me just playing it randomly, four chords over and over. Then another person, Jack, said something and I sang it back to him whilst playing those four chords. Then Jenna asked me to narrate her life, so she began spouting out facts and I started singing them off-key and to random tunes to the sound of the ukulele. And eventually everyone was singing what they were saying. We even sang part of "Take On Me" in a very loud and off-key way. It was like an impromptu jam session, but with a ukulele. I should start bringing it everywhere, so things like that can happen more often.
I have pretty much given up on my stocks. I have lost over 5 thousand dollars, but I've made more than enough trades to make a 100 in the class.
My family and I were watching movies on netflix last night. First we watched "Thou Shalt Laugh", which is a video of a christian comedy performance. It was pretty good. Then we watched the second one, "Thou Shalt Laugh 2: The Deuce", and it was just as good, if not better. My absolute favourite comedian on both of them was the guy with the puppets. I forget his name. I am really tempted to buy a pig puppet like he has, since he sells them on his website. I really liked the lady from SNL, Victoria Jackson, too. At least I think she was from SNL. Anyway, She played the ukulele, but I think it was a bigger ukulele, possibly even a lower sounding one too. I liked her song "Nice Ukulele". Oh, I looked it up and she plays a BARITONE ukulele. Thats pretty cool. I want a ukulele that hooks up to an amp or whatever. That way I can perform in large spaces and people can really hear the ukulele.
So, for some reason google still won't approve my adsense account and I don't know why. I guess I'll wait until the summer and try to figure it out then. I think it might just need time, but I do need to do some research as to why it won't accept it.
Elizabeth W.
Haha. I have to go with the one act people today for our official rehearsal on the contest stage. We have to eat first lunch again, which is good because I am super hungry, and I hope to be able to sleep on the bus.
This morning I was just leaving the house, almost out of the driveway, when I got a text message from my drama teacher. Don't forget to wear your one act shirt! So, we had to back up and I ran inside and got it, then changed at school. I think she needs to work on her timing of text messages. I wasn't the only one who almost forgot either. She said that she told us to wear them today when we were at practice on monday. However, I don't think that she did, because no one can remember it.
I have developed this brochitis-y cough thing again. It is really annoying, and it scares me a bit since contest for one act is on friday. I hope it goes away. My throat doesn't hurt or anything, but I keep coughing. Not a shallow "Oh, I'm sick" cough, but a serious bronchitis-y cough from my lungs. Ain't nobody got time for that!
I have a song stuck in my head right now that is from adventure time, by the way, hence the intro. I don't watch adventure time, nor will I in the near future, but I saw the cover of the song "Good Little Girl/Bad Little Boy" that Meekakitty did, and I loved it. So, I learned it on the Ukulele, but I still don't know the very last verse in the version that she sang.
Good little girl, always picking a fight with me,
You know that I'm bad, but you're spending the night with me,
What do you want from my world? You're a good little girl...
Bad little boy, thats what you're acting like,
But oh, I don't buy that you're that kind of guy,
And if you are, why don't you just say goodbye?
Good little girl, you've stolen my heart... Something something something.
I really don't know the rest, so if you do, please tell me in the comments. I don't mean the monologue version either. I should probably just look up the video of meekakitty and rusty, then just make a video of my own of me covering it.
On the first sunday of spring break, I had a skype date with my dearest. It was fun, and slightly awkward, but then again, I've never skyped anyone before, so that was probably the reason. I played that song during the date. Just FYI.
On saturday, we went to Ellen's house after drama practice and hung out. We had burgers and then we sat and watched a video of our play that we had made earlier that day. After that, we went outside and built a fire and roasted marshmallows. I brought my ukulele along and I played it when we were outside. It started by me just playing it randomly, four chords over and over. Then another person, Jack, said something and I sang it back to him whilst playing those four chords. Then Jenna asked me to narrate her life, so she began spouting out facts and I started singing them off-key and to random tunes to the sound of the ukulele. And eventually everyone was singing what they were saying. We even sang part of "Take On Me" in a very loud and off-key way. It was like an impromptu jam session, but with a ukulele. I should start bringing it everywhere, so things like that can happen more often.
I have pretty much given up on my stocks. I have lost over 5 thousand dollars, but I've made more than enough trades to make a 100 in the class.
My family and I were watching movies on netflix last night. First we watched "Thou Shalt Laugh", which is a video of a christian comedy performance. It was pretty good. Then we watched the second one, "Thou Shalt Laugh 2: The Deuce", and it was just as good, if not better. My absolute favourite comedian on both of them was the guy with the puppets. I forget his name. I am really tempted to buy a pig puppet like he has, since he sells them on his website. I really liked the lady from SNL, Victoria Jackson, too. At least I think she was from SNL. Anyway, She played the ukulele, but I think it was a bigger ukulele, possibly even a lower sounding one too. I liked her song "Nice Ukulele". Oh, I looked it up and she plays a BARITONE ukulele. Thats pretty cool. I want a ukulele that hooks up to an amp or whatever. That way I can perform in large spaces and people can really hear the ukulele.
So, for some reason google still won't approve my adsense account and I don't know why. I guess I'll wait until the summer and try to figure it out then. I think it might just need time, but I do need to do some research as to why it won't accept it.
Elizabeth W.
March 16, 2013
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
Whenever people use that expression I think of a rabid squirrel. Its really kind of creepy and strange.
I have drama practice again today, and I get to go to my best friend's house afterwards. I cannot wait. I'm going to bring my ukulele.
I have already eaten and had coffee this morning. I'm working on finishing getting ready. I've got like an hour. I figured, why not blog at the same time? That is, if I can think of anything to blog about.
I'm really sad that spring break is almost over. I don't wanna go back to school. I didn't get a real break. I am ready for drama stuff to be over though. We have an official rehearsal on monday and the contest is on friday. I almost have my life back. I wonder if we'll advance this year. I think we have a chance. Maybe. And this year we have three judges instead of just one, which gives us a better chance.
I want to see Taylor again though, so I guess going back to school is good in that part.
There are less than 100 days left of my senior year. Wow.
I cannot wait for things like senior trip and prom. I know they won't be as spectacular as I expect, but they'll still be fun.
I guess I should probbly go dry my hair now. It might be beneficial to my getting to practice on time. I can't just sit here and drink coffee and listen to music, even though I wish I could.
I always wondered why my blog got so many views. I guess there are people out there who like reading blogs just like I like making youtube videos or tumblring and pinteresting.
Oh, and I just blogged on a saturday. BOOM.
Elizabeth W.
I have drama practice again today, and I get to go to my best friend's house afterwards. I cannot wait. I'm going to bring my ukulele.
I have already eaten and had coffee this morning. I'm working on finishing getting ready. I've got like an hour. I figured, why not blog at the same time? That is, if I can think of anything to blog about.
I'm really sad that spring break is almost over. I don't wanna go back to school. I didn't get a real break. I am ready for drama stuff to be over though. We have an official rehearsal on monday and the contest is on friday. I almost have my life back. I wonder if we'll advance this year. I think we have a chance. Maybe. And this year we have three judges instead of just one, which gives us a better chance.
I want to see Taylor again though, so I guess going back to school is good in that part.
There are less than 100 days left of my senior year. Wow.
I cannot wait for things like senior trip and prom. I know they won't be as spectacular as I expect, but they'll still be fun.
I guess I should probbly go dry my hair now. It might be beneficial to my getting to practice on time. I can't just sit here and drink coffee and listen to music, even though I wish I could.
I always wondered why my blog got so many views. I guess there are people out there who like reading blogs just like I like making youtube videos or tumblring and pinteresting.
Oh, and I just blogged on a saturday. BOOM.
Elizabeth W.
March 15, 2013
Today after one act practice we went to a friend's house and ate and played games. First we tried to play capture the flag, but we only had 6 people, a large space, and we were REALLY good at hiding the flags. After we gave up on that (Okay, so all of my team got caught) we played sardines. It was rather fun, except the getting mud and grass and dirt on my clothes and in my hair part. Then my dad came and picked me up. When I got home I worked on an essay for sociology, updated the blog, and now I shall go to bed, for I am exhausted. I cannot believe there are only a few more days left of one act before contest. WOW.
Elizabeth W.
Elizabeth W.
March 14, 2013
Okay, so today I am headed to the dentist. I brought my laptop along because I need to work on a 5 page essay for sociology. I'm doing so in the car. I get car sick really easily though, especially when I read, so I am being rather cautious.
I have to have a tooth removed today. Not looking foreward to that. I'm a little scared actually, since they have to give me laughing gas and I won't be in control of anything, The tooth they have to remove is actually half of a baby tooth. It just didn't want to come out of my mouth, even though the adult tooth has already grown in and pushed it to the side. Everyone thinks it sounds painful, but its just annoying mainly. It doesn't hurt unless I try to move it.
I thought about vlogging with my brothers on the car ride, but I'm not sure if they're up to it. One is asleep ( the one that is 13 years old) and one is reading a book (the 6 year old). I may do it in a few minutes though.
The thing about going to the dentist for us is that we have to drive for more than an hour to get there. Then we have to wait in the waiting room for anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. It is rather complicated.
I get to miss drama practice because of this though, so that's nice. After this, we get to go eat dinner at a Mexican restaurant with my grandparents. Not sure how well I'll be able to eat or how hungry I will be, but whatever.
Have I informed you all that we got a new car? Its a Buick Enclave, and I love it. Bucket seats in the front and middle rows, then three seat in the very back. It is quite a bit more roomy and comfortable than our Chevy HHR. The HHR was good and more fuel efficient, but it was super cramped. There is no way I could use my laptop while we were all inside.
I made a laptop case out of duct tape. I finished it yesterday. It has a main pocket for the laptop, then a pocket on the back for the charger. Then, it has a flap and a strap to hold it by. And it had two other pockets, one for pencils and on for CDs or whatever. It is water proof too. It is red and black and pink zebra striped.
I gotta get off for now. Don't want to get sick.
So... Getting a tooth removed in a non-sugrical manner is actually really fast and easy. I laid down on the bed chair thingy that they had, then I watched a movie as they gave me laughing gas. They then did a numbing paste stuff on my gum, followed by numbing shots. They then just took the tooth out. It didn't really hurt at all, except one of the two shots, which kind of hurt a little.
Laughing gas gives you a feeling that is hard to explain. Basically, all of your limbs go kind of numb, but you can still feel and move them. Like, when your arm or leg falls asleep, but not that extreme and all over your body. It really just made me want to go to sleep.
The numbing of my gum was a little different though. It felt like my mouth became, basically, dead. I still can't feel really anything with it. And it has gotten in the way of my speech a little bit, but nothing major.
I really don't think it was as big of a thing as I presumed it would be. It was nothing to be afraid of, but when I first went back into the room I was scared senseless. Just goes to show you that fear is a temporary and shallow thing. And many times what we fear is really not that scary once we get up close.
I've been scared of many things throughout my life. When I was little, I was scared of the Operation game, the game where you do this fake surgery and if you mess up it makes a loud beeping noise. I was scared to death, to the point that I would see the box or hear a similar noise and my heart would start racing. The fear became almost crippling, since I couldn't even go down the board game aisle at walmart without looking at the floor the whole time. I slowly tried to convince myself and others that it would be fine to be around it. I just couldn't bring myself to play it or watch someone play it, or ever watch one of the commercials for the game. About a year and a half ago, I had convinced myself that the only way to get over the fear was by exposure, so after school one day I went and watched while one of my friends was playing the game. It kind of cured me, or at least gave me an extreme tolerance for it.
Nowadays, my only real fear is death and the things associated with it. Everything else I can get over pretty quickly, or at least talk myself out of being afraid of. I think the main thing is working to get past your fear and not letting it control your life. Oh, and I'm slightly afraid of heights and getting lost, but I get over that rather quickly.
Man, my mouth is still really numb. I hope this doesn't prevent me from eating Mexican food, because I'm really hungry.
My mouth is kind of bleeding a tiny bit. Its not as bad as it was. My dad told me earlier not to swallow the blood because it would make me sick to my stomach. But I really don't understand why or how that would happen. Sounds like a question for the Scishow (a show on science that one of the vlogbrothers does).
Elizabeth W.
I have to have a tooth removed today. Not looking foreward to that. I'm a little scared actually, since they have to give me laughing gas and I won't be in control of anything, The tooth they have to remove is actually half of a baby tooth. It just didn't want to come out of my mouth, even though the adult tooth has already grown in and pushed it to the side. Everyone thinks it sounds painful, but its just annoying mainly. It doesn't hurt unless I try to move it.
I thought about vlogging with my brothers on the car ride, but I'm not sure if they're up to it. One is asleep ( the one that is 13 years old) and one is reading a book (the 6 year old). I may do it in a few minutes though.
The thing about going to the dentist for us is that we have to drive for more than an hour to get there. Then we have to wait in the waiting room for anywhere from ten minutes to an hour. It is rather complicated.
I get to miss drama practice because of this though, so that's nice. After this, we get to go eat dinner at a Mexican restaurant with my grandparents. Not sure how well I'll be able to eat or how hungry I will be, but whatever.
Have I informed you all that we got a new car? Its a Buick Enclave, and I love it. Bucket seats in the front and middle rows, then three seat in the very back. It is quite a bit more roomy and comfortable than our Chevy HHR. The HHR was good and more fuel efficient, but it was super cramped. There is no way I could use my laptop while we were all inside.
I made a laptop case out of duct tape. I finished it yesterday. It has a main pocket for the laptop, then a pocket on the back for the charger. Then, it has a flap and a strap to hold it by. And it had two other pockets, one for pencils and on for CDs or whatever. It is water proof too. It is red and black and pink zebra striped.
I gotta get off for now. Don't want to get sick.
So... Getting a tooth removed in a non-sugrical manner is actually really fast and easy. I laid down on the bed chair thingy that they had, then I watched a movie as they gave me laughing gas. They then did a numbing paste stuff on my gum, followed by numbing shots. They then just took the tooth out. It didn't really hurt at all, except one of the two shots, which kind of hurt a little.
Laughing gas gives you a feeling that is hard to explain. Basically, all of your limbs go kind of numb, but you can still feel and move them. Like, when your arm or leg falls asleep, but not that extreme and all over your body. It really just made me want to go to sleep.
The numbing of my gum was a little different though. It felt like my mouth became, basically, dead. I still can't feel really anything with it. And it has gotten in the way of my speech a little bit, but nothing major.
I really don't think it was as big of a thing as I presumed it would be. It was nothing to be afraid of, but when I first went back into the room I was scared senseless. Just goes to show you that fear is a temporary and shallow thing. And many times what we fear is really not that scary once we get up close.
I've been scared of many things throughout my life. When I was little, I was scared of the Operation game, the game where you do this fake surgery and if you mess up it makes a loud beeping noise. I was scared to death, to the point that I would see the box or hear a similar noise and my heart would start racing. The fear became almost crippling, since I couldn't even go down the board game aisle at walmart without looking at the floor the whole time. I slowly tried to convince myself and others that it would be fine to be around it. I just couldn't bring myself to play it or watch someone play it, or ever watch one of the commercials for the game. About a year and a half ago, I had convinced myself that the only way to get over the fear was by exposure, so after school one day I went and watched while one of my friends was playing the game. It kind of cured me, or at least gave me an extreme tolerance for it.
Nowadays, my only real fear is death and the things associated with it. Everything else I can get over pretty quickly, or at least talk myself out of being afraid of. I think the main thing is working to get past your fear and not letting it control your life. Oh, and I'm slightly afraid of heights and getting lost, but I get over that rather quickly.
Man, my mouth is still really numb. I hope this doesn't prevent me from eating Mexican food, because I'm really hungry.
My mouth is kind of bleeding a tiny bit. Its not as bad as it was. My dad told me earlier not to swallow the blood because it would make me sick to my stomach. But I really don't understand why or how that would happen. Sounds like a question for the Scishow (a show on science that one of the vlogbrothers does).
Elizabeth W.
March 13, 2013
Back to drama drama
Today I have drama practice. And I cannot go to any party thingies that we may or may not have afterwards because I have to get up early and go to the dentist tomorrow.This means that I will have some more time to blog tomorrow though. I think I may try and bring my laptop and type up a post while I am on the way and post it when I get back home.
I made a laptop case out of duct tape yesterday. Its not finished, but it looks pretty good. I am ranked 45 in the stock market game, which is bad.
I'm about to go to practice, so I'll blog some more later.
Elizabeth W.
I made a laptop case out of duct tape yesterday. Its not finished, but it looks pretty good. I am ranked 45 in the stock market game, which is bad.
I'm about to go to practice, so I'll blog some more later.
Elizabeth W.
March 12, 2013
The last day...
Tomorrow is my first day back at drama practice. I really want to just sleep in instead and not go out and talk to people. I just want to be a hermit over spring break, is that too much to ask?
I am currently downloading yet another video editing program. Magix. This has been one of my favourites. I downloaded a lower quality version about two months ago, but my free trial ran out, so I'm trying this one.
I really need to just decide on one program and buy it. Then I don't have to worry about finding a new one and I can learn all the features of the one that I buy. I can spend a lot more time editing too. I would have just used WMM for this video, but it includes cloning, and WMM on windows 8 doesn't allow cloning.
The only really good thing about the practice tomorrow is that during spring break we go to someone's house after practice each day and have a party type thing. I don't know who will be hosting it tomorrow though.
I really don't have much to talk about right now. Although, we got a new car yesterday and it is awesome. A Buick Enclave. There are 7 seats and a ton more room than our HHR had.
I designed some mini business cards yesterday on the website moo.com. They were pretty awesome. I think I might actually buy some, I just have to get some money first. I need to come up with about twenty or so dollars, and that will get me 100. They have a QR code on them too, which takes people to my youtube channel. And on the back there is a full color picture of my account picture ( the one from the cloning montage).
Elizabeth W.
I am currently downloading yet another video editing program. Magix. This has been one of my favourites. I downloaded a lower quality version about two months ago, but my free trial ran out, so I'm trying this one.
I really need to just decide on one program and buy it. Then I don't have to worry about finding a new one and I can learn all the features of the one that I buy. I can spend a lot more time editing too. I would have just used WMM for this video, but it includes cloning, and WMM on windows 8 doesn't allow cloning.
The only really good thing about the practice tomorrow is that during spring break we go to someone's house after practice each day and have a party type thing. I don't know who will be hosting it tomorrow though.
I really don't have much to talk about right now. Although, we got a new car yesterday and it is awesome. A Buick Enclave. There are 7 seats and a ton more room than our HHR had.
I designed some mini business cards yesterday on the website moo.com. They were pretty awesome. I think I might actually buy some, I just have to get some money first. I need to come up with about twenty or so dollars, and that will get me 100. They have a QR code on them too, which takes people to my youtube channel. And on the back there is a full color picture of my account picture ( the one from the cloning montage).
Elizabeth W.
March 11, 2013
Free Day Monday...
I almost typed friday, because it would sound good.
Yes, today is monday, and free day monday because it is in fact spring break. I am currently discussing graduation with my grandmother while stealing my brother's french fries. It almost feels like summer.
I am enjoying being away from one act and all of the people associated with it. I miss my friends, Ellen and Maddie, and the other people are fun to be around, but I really don't feel like the practices are enjoyable anymore. I would quit, but I'm the lead actress, and I think my director would kill me. Especially since I have her for drama class also. I just have to muck through it.
I have been kind of lazy all day. I listened to music and watched youtube videos. I watched a movie and washed some clothes and dishes (seperately, of course). Since my grandmother just left, I am listening to vlogbrothers videos while blogging.
I realized yesterday, while watching fun summer-y music videos, that I really want to go to the beach or go swimming or something of that nature. I just have no way to get there. I have several friends who went to the beach this week, and some of them even went to florida. But... I am stuck at home while my parents are out car shopping.
I have also watched quite a lot of movies during this time away from the school-ish place of torture. Like, in the last three days I have watched more movies than I have in the last three weeks. I watched Wreck-It-Ralph, Oz the Great and Powerful, Here Comes the Boom, Red Dawn, and I feel like there was another one, but I cannot remember one. I also neglected to check my stock today and I cannot because the market is closed. SNAP.
I enabled ads on my videos on youtube, but I have not been approved for an adsense account. I do not understand. Google, Y U SO CONSUFING? Okay, that was a terrible typo, but I felt that it was still kind of awesome so I left it there.
I also tried to find some geocaching apps to work on my phone, but I haven't been majorly successful yet. I really want to go geocaching, but I have not gotten a chance to do so yet. And I am now cooking waffle fries and drinking cherry dr pepper. Awesome foods FTW!
I have a sudden urge to go biking, but I am babysitting, so I cannot. And my parents may not get back before dark, so I will probably go biking tomorrow.
I found out today that, thanks to my younger brother who is made of awesome, my grandfather is addicted to Doctor Who. Nerdfighters for the win!
I gotta go do something. Maybe.
Elizabeth W.
Oh, and go vote for forever the fierce so that they can play Warped Tour. It would mean a lot to them is you did. You can vote once each day.
Yes, today is monday, and free day monday because it is in fact spring break. I am currently discussing graduation with my grandmother while stealing my brother's french fries. It almost feels like summer.
I am enjoying being away from one act and all of the people associated with it. I miss my friends, Ellen and Maddie, and the other people are fun to be around, but I really don't feel like the practices are enjoyable anymore. I would quit, but I'm the lead actress, and I think my director would kill me. Especially since I have her for drama class also. I just have to muck through it.
I have been kind of lazy all day. I listened to music and watched youtube videos. I watched a movie and washed some clothes and dishes (seperately, of course). Since my grandmother just left, I am listening to vlogbrothers videos while blogging.
I realized yesterday, while watching fun summer-y music videos, that I really want to go to the beach or go swimming or something of that nature. I just have no way to get there. I have several friends who went to the beach this week, and some of them even went to florida. But... I am stuck at home while my parents are out car shopping.
I have also watched quite a lot of movies during this time away from the school-ish place of torture. Like, in the last three days I have watched more movies than I have in the last three weeks. I watched Wreck-It-Ralph, Oz the Great and Powerful, Here Comes the Boom, Red Dawn, and I feel like there was another one, but I cannot remember one. I also neglected to check my stock today and I cannot because the market is closed. SNAP.
I enabled ads on my videos on youtube, but I have not been approved for an adsense account. I do not understand. Google, Y U SO CONSUFING? Okay, that was a terrible typo, but I felt that it was still kind of awesome so I left it there.
I also tried to find some geocaching apps to work on my phone, but I haven't been majorly successful yet. I really want to go geocaching, but I have not gotten a chance to do so yet. And I am now cooking waffle fries and drinking cherry dr pepper. Awesome foods FTW!
I have a sudden urge to go biking, but I am babysitting, so I cannot. And my parents may not get back before dark, so I will probably go biking tomorrow.
I found out today that, thanks to my younger brother who is made of awesome, my grandfather is addicted to Doctor Who. Nerdfighters for the win!
I gotta go do something. Maybe.
Elizabeth W.
Oh, and go vote for forever the fierce so that they can play Warped Tour. It would mean a lot to them is you did. You can vote once each day.
March 9, 2013
March 8, 2013
Almost (Temporarily) Free!
Today is the last day before spring break. WHOOO! I look foreward to having time to do things that I want to do and stuff. NOT! I get a couple of days off, but I have drama practice five of the nine days, and a dentist appointment one of the days and church two of the days. GAH!
I have a group project due today and I haven't gotten to finish it because one of the group members hasn't given me the information so I can type it up. She was supposed to email it to ma, and she had two days to do so. However, it did not reach me. I even got up extra early this morning just to check my email. GAH!
However, the show must go on. The project is actually a spanish fashion show. I will check my email via my phone during next period, just to see if somehow it reached me late, but otherwise I'll just turn her stuff in on a seperate page. I would go hunt her down and get the stuff but I don't even know her name. GAH!
Is it strange that I hate the audible, purposeful, loud clicking sound made by some computers when you click on a link? I really hate it, and I don't know how to turn it off. I find it simply obnoxious. I don't want a computer making a clicking noise and letting everyone know that I'm clicking on something. Its none of their business.
Oh, doctor who, you never cease to amaze me with your quotableness. Is that a word? Quotableness? Quotability? As far as the GIF contest, it is not official yet, just an idea. The doctor is almost to his last regeneration though. He can regenerate one more time according to timelord legend. I think BBC will probably just make something else up, as always. I think it would be cool if the doctor came to america in one of the episodes. Or, there could be another doctor who series filmed and set in america. I feel like it wouldn't be as cool though. Or a doctor who cartoon series. If you can't tell, I haven't watched doctor who in a few days and I'm having withdrawal symptoms.
I have a group project due today and I haven't gotten to finish it because one of the group members hasn't given me the information so I can type it up. She was supposed to email it to ma, and she had two days to do so. However, it did not reach me. I even got up extra early this morning just to check my email. GAH!
However, the show must go on. The project is actually a spanish fashion show. I will check my email via my phone during next period, just to see if somehow it reached me late, but otherwise I'll just turn her stuff in on a seperate page. I would go hunt her down and get the stuff but I don't even know her name. GAH!
Is it strange that I hate the audible, purposeful, loud clicking sound made by some computers when you click on a link? I really hate it, and I don't know how to turn it off. I find it simply obnoxious. I don't want a computer making a clicking noise and letting everyone know that I'm clicking on something. Its none of their business.
I think it would be cool to make some GIFs to put on here and tumblr and stuff. I learned how to make GIFs once, but I have since forgotten. I guess that will be a spring break project. I can start with some of the video footage that I have and do that. Or, I could enlist the help of you people and be lazy, but make it a contest. I don't know what I would give to the winner besides winning. Or the air from my lungs...

I really don't know if I'm going to blog over spring break. I think I may just focus on video stuff, but then again, things rarely go as I plan them. I also cannot do google adsense yet. I tried to set up an account yesterday, but I got an email saying that it was denied. Whatever, I'll just wait until the summer. I think I should maybe post a picture everyday to show what I have been doing, even if I don't do much describing.
I got my progress report back today. All A's. High range A's at that. And the school secretary just walked in and told me that during lunch I need to go pick up the cookbooks that people ordered via me and my mom and project graduation. I really hate project graduation.
Project graduation, for those of you who don't know, is a organization made up of the parents of the most popular and rich kids in school who were the most popular and rich when they went to school. They get together every week and decide on fund raisers and things that people in the senior class have to donate. Then, at the end of the year when they are done torturing every student and graduation is over, they throw a big party the night of graduation. There are all kinds of games and drawings to win prizes and stuff that students might want for college. The main point of it is to keep kids safe on graduation night. I like the whole idea, just not the meetings and fundraisers and torture parts.
I did not have coffee this morning, I just don't have anything else to do. SORRY!
I think I am getting really good at blogging. I mean, the blog is just like my place to talk about things that I want to talk about and let people read them if they want to. I can be interesting or boring... Whatever I want. And I don't stay on one topic so long that I bore the audience to death, like other bloggers do. If you're gonna talk for fifteen paragraphs, change the subject every once in a while.
I have updated the lifescouts page some more. I check back to the actual website for new badges at least once a week, if not more often, so I can keep on top of things. They don't really release them every day like they did the first month, which kind of bothers me, so I can't add badges too fast. I'm thinking about asking for the badges that I have for my birthday or christmas or something. Just the ones with interesting backstories though. Like the swimming badge, and the videogames badge, and the pet owning badge, and the chess badge, and the rubik's cube badge. They're about $5 each so thats $25 or so. Not too shabby for something that I will carry around and be able to use to talk with people.
I wonder if I'll meet anyone who collects lifescouts badges in college. That would be cool. We could like, compare badges and stuff. And if I get my brother started on collecting them, we can talk about them in the vlog series that we shall do. I cannot wait for that vlog thing to start. I cannot do so until I go to college though. It is forbidden by my brother, because I will still be living at home and there would be no purpose. I wonder what days we'll do it on. I feel like once a week to start off should be good.
Back to the college thing... I have this fear that I will not meet anyone that wants to be friends with me in college, and that my roommate will be a really terrible person that I cannot get along with. I'm an extreme introvert, so it is really hard for me to make an effort to meet people and make friends. I know I'll meet people in my classes, but that isn't always a guaranteed friendship. Sometimes it just gives them someone to copy work from. I'm excited about college and I want to go, but I'm also scared and sad that I have to leave behind so many great friends. GAH!
Twenty minutes left in class. OH, I can check the stock market. I had completely forgotten about that. I'm ranked 41. I've lost over $3000 overall. Looks like I'm selling for a loss and investing in something else. Curse you SWVI! Everything else was going up, but that made me lose like, $5000. GAH!
I added my blog to the bookmarks for this school computer yesterday. I feel like one day some random kid will be messing around and find it. They'll click the link and be like, WOAH, This is cool! Either that, or be really bored.
I have drama practice from 4-8 today. BOOO! But, I get to Skype with my dearest on Sunday. I've never actually used Skype before. I have an account, and I have it on my phone and my computer, but I've never actually had someone to Skype with until now. Hopefully I can figure it out. I also want to do a livestream on youtube someday. I just haven't gotten around to figuring out how that works yet.
I really exhausted all of the things I have to say. Have a good weekend, see ya on monday, maybe!
Elizabeth W.
March 7, 2013
Clinic Day!
Today we have another clinic for One Act Play. There are only about three more weeks left of this stressful madness! Whoo!
Today we get to go to another school to get critiqued on our play in order to make it better. We are supposed to eat first lunch, which as thrown me off completely because I don't know who to sit with or anything. I also have to miss my after lunch classes and walking to the bus with Taylor, since we won't be back until 5 or so.
Yesterday, while shopping for costume stuff, I found some stuff for myself also. I got a pair of red high heels that are really shiny. They're not really high, but they make me a bit taller. They have cushioning in them too, so they're rather comfortable. I got a cute pair of flats that I will use for the play and probably wear at least once a week also. I found a shirt on the sale rack for $5 and I got it. It is just a grey tshirt that has snoopy from peanuts on it, but I like it because its comfy, cute, and it only cost $5.
I have had nothing to eat/drink today so far except coffee. It was good and has made me hyper, but I feel really hungry. Good thing I have lunch after this!
I am not looking foreward to the bus ride to the other school. I hate riding on buses because they stink and they're never the right temperature. Someone always decides to put the window down too, so my hair always gets messed up. I really don't care that much aboutmy hair, but I do not like when it gets in my face, which is what the wind causes it to do.
I am looking foreward to Prom and Senior Trip though. Those are coming up. Because our class has been really good about paying their dues, we basically won't have to pay anything for the trip, and we get to take fancy buses and stuff. We're going to six flags or something. I really could care less about amusement parks, but I'll get to hand out with my friends. I don't really care that much for roller coasters and stuff.
Someday, I want to got to Disney. I've never been to either theme park, but I've always wanted to go. There has never been enough money to get there and back and buy tickets and everything else. I hope we can go sometime in the near future. I love the fact that they have actual characters running around the park. I love cosplay type stuff for some reason... Probably because I'm and actor and I'm still a little kid on the inside.
I kind of want to keep writing so that Taylor will have something to read and think about while I'm gone. Yeah, I'm that thoughtful.
Doh! I'm ranked 42 in the stock game now. It all took a turn for the worse. My stocks are doing good, but not good enough to make me money. I think I just need to sell off some stuff. I think its strange that the stock market can be so addicting. Even though this is just a game and there is no real money involved, some people are obsessed.
I had a bad dream last night. Taylor was in it. It wasn't scary, but it wasn't pleasant. I really don't want to talk about it because it is kind of personal. Then again, now that I've said that I realize that all dreams are personal. When I woke up, I thought it had really happened and I almost freaked out. I hate dreams like that that are so realistic and hard to tell if they were just a dream.
Thanks to the channel "Vsauce" on YouTube, I learned something insignificantly interesting yesterday. When I was a kid, I would always see those little floaty bacteria looking things in my vision. I would sit there and stare at them and wonder what they were, but no adult would ever understand what they were when I described them. According to Vsauce, those are actually little microscopic organisms and things that live in the fluid in and around your eye. They're impossible to see unless you have a microscope. However, when the light is right and they get on the retina of your eye, they cause a shadow and you can see them. Thank you vsauce, for solving a lifelong mystery for me.
I did not make a video yesterday like I talked about. I decided that taking a camera into a store was probably not the best idea. Stores don't like that. And I thought it would be good to spend some quality chatting time with my mother. So, I didn't video anything. I really need to stop saying that I will do something, because I never do. I do have stuff to edit though. I hope to do that soon.
My leg just fell asleep. No me gusta. It feels all tingley and wierd now. I have this strange and irrational fear that one day I will be in a public place, just sitting there, and my leg will fall asleep without me noticing. Then I will try and get up to walk and I'll just fall over because my leg was asleep. I don't know if it could happen, but that is one of my irrational fears.
I feel like this blog follows the complicated and crazy thought proccess that my mind uses. I feel like I might confuse some people with my randomness too. Sorry (not)!
So, you know how I talked about starting google adsense on this blog and youtube when I turned 18? Well, I think I may do it over spring break instead. I'm averaging 100 views a day. I think I could be making some money off of this. I hate ads just as much as the next teenager (literally, I complained about it a few days ago), but I do think this will be a good thing. My mom and I talked it over and it seems like a good business decision. Next week is spring break for our school, so be ready.
Man, I have Thrift Shop stuck in my head. I have since I left the house this morning. It makes me want to go bargain hunting and stuff, and I don't have the ability to right now. Today that and "Heart of War" by FTF have been stuck in my head. Never both at once, but going back and forth between the two of them.
Elizabeth W.
Today we get to go to another school to get critiqued on our play in order to make it better. We are supposed to eat first lunch, which as thrown me off completely because I don't know who to sit with or anything. I also have to miss my after lunch classes and walking to the bus with Taylor, since we won't be back until 5 or so.
Yesterday, while shopping for costume stuff, I found some stuff for myself also. I got a pair of red high heels that are really shiny. They're not really high, but they make me a bit taller. They have cushioning in them too, so they're rather comfortable. I got a cute pair of flats that I will use for the play and probably wear at least once a week also. I found a shirt on the sale rack for $5 and I got it. It is just a grey tshirt that has snoopy from peanuts on it, but I like it because its comfy, cute, and it only cost $5.
I have had nothing to eat/drink today so far except coffee. It was good and has made me hyper, but I feel really hungry. Good thing I have lunch after this!
I am not looking foreward to the bus ride to the other school. I hate riding on buses because they stink and they're never the right temperature. Someone always decides to put the window down too, so my hair always gets messed up. I really don't care that much aboutmy hair, but I do not like when it gets in my face, which is what the wind causes it to do.
I am looking foreward to Prom and Senior Trip though. Those are coming up. Because our class has been really good about paying their dues, we basically won't have to pay anything for the trip, and we get to take fancy buses and stuff. We're going to six flags or something. I really could care less about amusement parks, but I'll get to hand out with my friends. I don't really care that much for roller coasters and stuff.
Someday, I want to got to Disney. I've never been to either theme park, but I've always wanted to go. There has never been enough money to get there and back and buy tickets and everything else. I hope we can go sometime in the near future. I love the fact that they have actual characters running around the park. I love cosplay type stuff for some reason... Probably because I'm and actor and I'm still a little kid on the inside.
I kind of want to keep writing so that Taylor will have something to read and think about while I'm gone. Yeah, I'm that thoughtful.
Doh! I'm ranked 42 in the stock game now. It all took a turn for the worse. My stocks are doing good, but not good enough to make me money. I think I just need to sell off some stuff. I think its strange that the stock market can be so addicting. Even though this is just a game and there is no real money involved, some people are obsessed.
I had a bad dream last night. Taylor was in it. It wasn't scary, but it wasn't pleasant. I really don't want to talk about it because it is kind of personal. Then again, now that I've said that I realize that all dreams are personal. When I woke up, I thought it had really happened and I almost freaked out. I hate dreams like that that are so realistic and hard to tell if they were just a dream.
Thanks to the channel "Vsauce" on YouTube, I learned something insignificantly interesting yesterday. When I was a kid, I would always see those little floaty bacteria looking things in my vision. I would sit there and stare at them and wonder what they were, but no adult would ever understand what they were when I described them. According to Vsauce, those are actually little microscopic organisms and things that live in the fluid in and around your eye. They're impossible to see unless you have a microscope. However, when the light is right and they get on the retina of your eye, they cause a shadow and you can see them. Thank you vsauce, for solving a lifelong mystery for me.
I did not make a video yesterday like I talked about. I decided that taking a camera into a store was probably not the best idea. Stores don't like that. And I thought it would be good to spend some quality chatting time with my mother. So, I didn't video anything. I really need to stop saying that I will do something, because I never do. I do have stuff to edit though. I hope to do that soon.
My leg just fell asleep. No me gusta. It feels all tingley and wierd now. I have this strange and irrational fear that one day I will be in a public place, just sitting there, and my leg will fall asleep without me noticing. Then I will try and get up to walk and I'll just fall over because my leg was asleep. I don't know if it could happen, but that is one of my irrational fears.
I feel like this blog follows the complicated and crazy thought proccess that my mind uses. I feel like I might confuse some people with my randomness too. Sorry (not)!
So, you know how I talked about starting google adsense on this blog and youtube when I turned 18? Well, I think I may do it over spring break instead. I'm averaging 100 views a day. I think I could be making some money off of this. I hate ads just as much as the next teenager (literally, I complained about it a few days ago), but I do think this will be a good thing. My mom and I talked it over and it seems like a good business decision. Next week is spring break for our school, so be ready.
Man, I have Thrift Shop stuck in my head. I have since I left the house this morning. It makes me want to go bargain hunting and stuff, and I don't have the ability to right now. Today that and "Heart of War" by FTF have been stuck in my head. Never both at once, but going back and forth between the two of them.
Elizabeth W.
March 6, 2013
For some reason, today has just been a great day so far. I did great on my lines test in drama and my fish name test in aquatic science. I found out that my group member who left the class in sociology is nothing to worry about, and I should just rely on myself and the other two members. I got to sit and chat with my boyfriend and some other friends for quite a while. I have a quiz in spanish class, but I'm not really worried about it. Then, after school I get to go shopping for costume pieces for the two plays I am in. I just feel happy.
I think I want to make a music video for the song "Heart of War" by Forever the Fierce. I really like it and it is a really intense song. I don't know if they will let me make their music video for them, but I can at least make my own version, and I can help them with theirs if they want it. I keep trying to brainstorm and plan it, but I really need to know the true meaning behind the song before I can finish doing so. I plan to ask Nick today which band member wrote the song and what the lyrics are supposed to mean exactly.
I am really looking foreward to working with other people to make videos. I should be able to do this more this summer and once I start college. I really want to get a new camera too. My grandparents promised me that my graduation gift would either be money, or a new camera - it was my choice. I'm still a little indecisive. If I tell them money, I can have whatever camera I want and have a little bit of time to shop around. All I know right now is that it WILL be DSLR. I keep looking at cameras and $400 is beginning to look cheaper and cheaper. I already have most of the stands that I would need for anything, except one that straps to your torso, but that is something that may be an investment later on down the road.
I keep wanting to make a video blog while somewhere different. Like, at the store or something. And I almost always have my camera with me, but I never think of these things until after the time has passed. I still haven't really used my car camera stand. Maybe today when I go to the store I can use it. We're going to go to Burke's Outlet, which is kind of like a thrift shop, so I could use the song "Thrift Shop" by Mackelmore. The clean version or a cover version of course. Whatcha know about wearin' a wolf on ya noggin? What ya know about wearin' a fur fox skin? haha. Now you probably have that stuck in your head if you know the song...
I also had coffee this morning, so I really feel like talking and blogging and stuff.
I am not doing as good today in the stock market. I am ranked 28, while I was 24 yesterday. I'm not worried though. Pretty much everything is bullish.
I really really don't know what to say anymore. I want to talk about stuff but I've run out of ideas. If I had stayed off of the stock market, I would probably still have ideas and be typing like crazy. I just HAD to check my stocks. BLECH.
Is my blog getting too self centered? I noticed that most of the sentences start with "I", meaning that I talk about nothing but what I am doing. What else am I supposed to talk about though?
Spring needs to come faster, because I am ready to wear shorts and capri pants all the time. I miss wearing flip-flops and sandals constantly and not having to wear a jacket all the time. It keeps getting warm-ish then getting cold again, which is driving me crazy! I like the spring and summer, and I want them to come faster! Winter is soooooo two months ago.
If I could have been anywhere doing anything this week, I would have been in California with Family Force 5, Isaac Dietz, and Meekakitty, shooting the music video for "Chainsaw". I really wish they would have done it in Texas, because then I could have found a way to go or something. FF5, Meekakitty, and Tub-o are people I want to work with someday, and I keep thinking that I might get the chance. So far, the only possible way that I will meet them is staying after and waiting in line when FF5 comes to Kemah for Boomin' By The Bay. Last year they came, but I didn't get to wait in line for autographs because I went with a church group and we had to leave immediately. I did win an HD radio last year at Boomin' By The Bay though. It still isn't installed in my car, even though they gave me a "free installation" voucher. I just haven't had the time to go to Car Toys and get it installed. I actually had a radio before I had my car. Life is crazy like that.
I think that when I get some money and buy a camera and stuff, I'll buy an old school gameboy. Like, a Gameboy advance. I had one of those when I was little, but we traded it in for a ds. Then we got a dsi, and now we cannot play gba games. I think you can get gba's for like 30 or so dollars on amazon. I also want some of the games like tak and the power of juju or whatever. I miss them. I miss the game Luigi's Mansion also, but I'm think that might have just been on the gamecube. I also keep thinking about I want an adipose toy from Doctor Who, but thats a different story.
Elizabeth W.
I think I want to make a music video for the song "Heart of War" by Forever the Fierce. I really like it and it is a really intense song. I don't know if they will let me make their music video for them, but I can at least make my own version, and I can help them with theirs if they want it. I keep trying to brainstorm and plan it, but I really need to know the true meaning behind the song before I can finish doing so. I plan to ask Nick today which band member wrote the song and what the lyrics are supposed to mean exactly.
I am really looking foreward to working with other people to make videos. I should be able to do this more this summer and once I start college. I really want to get a new camera too. My grandparents promised me that my graduation gift would either be money, or a new camera - it was my choice. I'm still a little indecisive. If I tell them money, I can have whatever camera I want and have a little bit of time to shop around. All I know right now is that it WILL be DSLR. I keep looking at cameras and $400 is beginning to look cheaper and cheaper. I already have most of the stands that I would need for anything, except one that straps to your torso, but that is something that may be an investment later on down the road.
I keep wanting to make a video blog while somewhere different. Like, at the store or something. And I almost always have my camera with me, but I never think of these things until after the time has passed. I still haven't really used my car camera stand. Maybe today when I go to the store I can use it. We're going to go to Burke's Outlet, which is kind of like a thrift shop, so I could use the song "Thrift Shop" by Mackelmore. The clean version or a cover version of course. Whatcha know about wearin' a wolf on ya noggin? What ya know about wearin' a fur fox skin? haha. Now you probably have that stuck in your head if you know the song...
I also had coffee this morning, so I really feel like talking and blogging and stuff.
I am not doing as good today in the stock market. I am ranked 28, while I was 24 yesterday. I'm not worried though. Pretty much everything is bullish.
I really really don't know what to say anymore. I want to talk about stuff but I've run out of ideas. If I had stayed off of the stock market, I would probably still have ideas and be typing like crazy. I just HAD to check my stocks. BLECH.
Is my blog getting too self centered? I noticed that most of the sentences start with "I", meaning that I talk about nothing but what I am doing. What else am I supposed to talk about though?
Spring needs to come faster, because I am ready to wear shorts and capri pants all the time. I miss wearing flip-flops and sandals constantly and not having to wear a jacket all the time. It keeps getting warm-ish then getting cold again, which is driving me crazy! I like the spring and summer, and I want them to come faster! Winter is soooooo two months ago.
If I could have been anywhere doing anything this week, I would have been in California with Family Force 5, Isaac Dietz, and Meekakitty, shooting the music video for "Chainsaw". I really wish they would have done it in Texas, because then I could have found a way to go or something. FF5, Meekakitty, and Tub-o are people I want to work with someday, and I keep thinking that I might get the chance. So far, the only possible way that I will meet them is staying after and waiting in line when FF5 comes to Kemah for Boomin' By The Bay. Last year they came, but I didn't get to wait in line for autographs because I went with a church group and we had to leave immediately. I did win an HD radio last year at Boomin' By The Bay though. It still isn't installed in my car, even though they gave me a "free installation" voucher. I just haven't had the time to go to Car Toys and get it installed. I actually had a radio before I had my car. Life is crazy like that.
I think that when I get some money and buy a camera and stuff, I'll buy an old school gameboy. Like, a Gameboy advance. I had one of those when I was little, but we traded it in for a ds. Then we got a dsi, and now we cannot play gba games. I think you can get gba's for like 30 or so dollars on amazon. I also want some of the games like tak and the power of juju or whatever. I miss them. I miss the game Luigi's Mansion also, but I'm think that might have just been on the gamecube. I also keep thinking about I want an adipose toy from Doctor Who, but thats a different story.
Elizabeth W.
March 5, 2013
I'm freaking out because things keep disappearing. First, the skirt and slip that I was using for one act play that I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER setting in the dressing room has gone missing. Second, I lost one of my headbands that I wear quite often. Third, one of the group members for the dual credit class project has disappeared from the internet and the online class. Fourth, I have not been able to collaborate with all of the group members for my spanish project and the rough draft is due today.
I really know that I cannot do anything about these things, but I am really a control freak sometimes and I hate when things like this happen because it throws me off and I get worried and stuff.
Also, today I have one act practice from 4:00 to 6:00, but afterwards, I have to go over to my mom's classroom because she has open house tonight from like 5:30 to 8:00. Therefore, I will be bored to death from 6:00 to 8:00.
I guess I will spend time on the blog or reading or working on one of the scripts, and studying my lines for the class play, since I have a lines test tomorrow.
I'm gonna go check the stock market and attempt to calm down. Maybe I shouldn't have had that coffee this morning.
Elizabeth W.
I really know that I cannot do anything about these things, but I am really a control freak sometimes and I hate when things like this happen because it throws me off and I get worried and stuff.
Also, today I have one act practice from 4:00 to 6:00, but afterwards, I have to go over to my mom's classroom because she has open house tonight from like 5:30 to 8:00. Therefore, I will be bored to death from 6:00 to 8:00.
I guess I will spend time on the blog or reading or working on one of the scripts, and studying my lines for the class play, since I have a lines test tomorrow.
I'm gonna go check the stock market and attempt to calm down. Maybe I shouldn't have had that coffee this morning.
Elizabeth W.
March 4, 2013
The Perks of Being a Senior...
Today, there are many students that are not in their normal classes at school. Instead, they are sitting in seperate classrooms that contain about 25 kids each and taking the dreaded standardized test. I hate standardized tests because not everyone is the same, so they CAN'T be expected to score the same, but they are judged by their score regardless. Personally, I do great on stadardized tests because I am above average.
I don't have to take the test because I'm a senior and I took it last year! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyway, I began editing one of the videos that I have been working on yesterday. Its about an art museum. But its really not. Its kind of metaphorical. And deep. And intense. Like camping...
Thats about all of the info I can give you right now, since I don't know when it will be finished.
I woke up this morning to hearing a familiar song being played on my parents' ipad. I sat there for a moment, listening and trying to figure out what it was. Then it dawned on me... My parents were listening to the song "Heart of War" by FOREVER THE FIERCE! I actually know the people that are in the band, so its kind of more cool. Their single, i guess is what you would call it, is out on itunes now, and you should go buy it because its an awesome song. I can't say that I've bought it yet, but thats because I haven't been on itunes. I do plan on buying it soon and listening to it over and over and probably making a music video for it.
I've gotta go check my stocks, so BYE!
Man, I'm really hungry...
BTW: the bear has officially been named Pierre, so he can be called Pierre the bear...
Elizabeth W.
I don't have to take the test because I'm a senior and I took it last year! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyway, I began editing one of the videos that I have been working on yesterday. Its about an art museum. But its really not. Its kind of metaphorical. And deep. And intense. Like camping...
Thats about all of the info I can give you right now, since I don't know when it will be finished.
I woke up this morning to hearing a familiar song being played on my parents' ipad. I sat there for a moment, listening and trying to figure out what it was. Then it dawned on me... My parents were listening to the song "Heart of War" by FOREVER THE FIERCE! I actually know the people that are in the band, so its kind of more cool. Their single, i guess is what you would call it, is out on itunes now, and you should go buy it because its an awesome song. I can't say that I've bought it yet, but thats because I haven't been on itunes. I do plan on buying it soon and listening to it over and over and probably making a music video for it.
I've gotta go check my stocks, so BYE!
Man, I'm really hungry...
BTW: the bear has officially been named Pierre, so he can be called Pierre the bear...
Elizabeth W.
March 1, 2013
Ehhh... Close Enough
Well, views got pretty close to 975 yesterday. Only 927 or so, but thats alright. Close enough. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make that big of a difference. This month I would like to reach 1000 though. I think it would be really cool to have 3 months in a row that had over 900 views.
I started writing my documentary script today during Aquatic Science. The teacher wasn't there and we were watching a documentary on poaching and stuff, so I was half watching the movie and half writing the script. I got about two and a half pages into the actual script. That doesn't seem like much, but for a documentary that includes interviews, that is like 15 minutes of the film.
I also wrote an outline/list of things that I want to cover in the film. I think this is a real possibility. I wrote down names of a few people that I know personally, and a few that I hope to meet someday. I think that if I get the equipment and crew and time to actually film this, then I'll write them and ask them to be in it. I think it would be really cool.
I'm still trying to figure out if I want to go becoming youtube style and sit and narrate it or use voice recordings over clips of related things. Either one is possible. I don't know if I want me to be the narrator or if I want to hire someone. The only thing that bothers me is that I really can't hire people because I don't have money to do so. If I can get it going, I'll do a kickstarter, but I have to have a fully written and typed script and some publicity first.
The notebook that I started writing the script in is a fancy one that I begged my mom to let me have at the beginning of the school year, but then forgot about until now. Its a crayola "Wild Notes" notebook. It came with a special pen that only writes on the paper in the notebook and when it does, it has a purpleish color with blue and green and pink and yellow and orange spots in it. I think it kind of fits and makes the rough draft of the script more interesting.
I know this sounds really mean, but I kinda want one act play to be over with already. I love the acting and the family feeling with the other actors and the crew. I love spending time in the theatre. I just miss being able to do other things besides go to practice. I have practice today from 4:00 to 8:00. Thats a whole 4 hours! And tommorow we have an eight hour practice. We also have four (three for me) practices on spring break. One Act is a lot of fun and really rewarding, but I don't remember it requiring this much sacrifice.
I have quite a few youtube videos that I have been ready to edit but I haven't gotten the time to do so yet. I have like two music videos, a mini documentary vlog, and like two vlogs. I should get to upload at least one over spring break. Maybe.
Since it is friday, I might as well leave you with an amusing meme or picture, so here we go...
Elizabeth W.
I started writing my documentary script today during Aquatic Science. The teacher wasn't there and we were watching a documentary on poaching and stuff, so I was half watching the movie and half writing the script. I got about two and a half pages into the actual script. That doesn't seem like much, but for a documentary that includes interviews, that is like 15 minutes of the film.
I also wrote an outline/list of things that I want to cover in the film. I think this is a real possibility. I wrote down names of a few people that I know personally, and a few that I hope to meet someday. I think that if I get the equipment and crew and time to actually film this, then I'll write them and ask them to be in it. I think it would be really cool.
I'm still trying to figure out if I want to go becoming youtube style and sit and narrate it or use voice recordings over clips of related things. Either one is possible. I don't know if I want me to be the narrator or if I want to hire someone. The only thing that bothers me is that I really can't hire people because I don't have money to do so. If I can get it going, I'll do a kickstarter, but I have to have a fully written and typed script and some publicity first.
The notebook that I started writing the script in is a fancy one that I begged my mom to let me have at the beginning of the school year, but then forgot about until now. Its a crayola "Wild Notes" notebook. It came with a special pen that only writes on the paper in the notebook and when it does, it has a purpleish color with blue and green and pink and yellow and orange spots in it. I think it kind of fits and makes the rough draft of the script more interesting.
I know this sounds really mean, but I kinda want one act play to be over with already. I love the acting and the family feeling with the other actors and the crew. I love spending time in the theatre. I just miss being able to do other things besides go to practice. I have practice today from 4:00 to 8:00. Thats a whole 4 hours! And tommorow we have an eight hour practice. We also have four (three for me) practices on spring break. One Act is a lot of fun and really rewarding, but I don't remember it requiring this much sacrifice.
I have quite a few youtube videos that I have been ready to edit but I haven't gotten the time to do so yet. I have like two music videos, a mini documentary vlog, and like two vlogs. I should get to upload at least one over spring break. Maybe.
Since it is friday, I might as well leave you with an amusing meme or picture, so here we go...
Just kidding, all I could find on short notice was this. Enjoy!
Elizabeth W.
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