September 8, 2014

MONDAY FUNDAY (jk, not really that fun)

So, I'm a little late at blogging this morning because I was updating some Jamberry stuff and researching how to get a sponsor for the blog. Its a process that can either be really easy or really difficult. We'll see how that turns out. I tried to go the easy way, but I'm still waiting for things. And if that doesn't work, we'll go the hard way. I swear, I'm not a sell-out (thats exactly what a sell-out would say!), I just think that since I've spent several years blogging, I might as well do something useful with it. I wouldn't mind making a few bucks a month and Google Adsense is currently making no cents. See what I did there? WORD PUNS.

I did a lot of homework this weekend and FINALLY got my textbook and online access for biology. I missed one assignment, but it didn't seem like it counted for much. Plus, I went back and did it anyway for review. Because of this, I don't have a ton of homework to work on today. I need to finish filling out my lab book from the lab on Thursday, work on the stupid study guide for government, and rehearse my speech and work on the powerpoint for it. Whoo.

There is a freaking fly in the kitchen and it cannot find another place to land besides on me. GAH.

I found a really long eyelash today. Like, its at least 1/4 inch longer than all of my other eyelashes, and thats crazy because I have really long eyelashes anyway. And its not like its fallen out or anything. The freakishly long eyelash is still attached at the roots. Its also blonde on the end, which makes it difficult to see.

I have to film a vlog today and I know that I want it to be Harry Potter related, but I'm not really sure what to talk about. I thought about talking about Ravenclaw, but WHAT ABOUT RAVENCLAW SHOULD I SPEAK OF???? Maybe I should just talk about my HP house and then challenge the other people on KEEYSS to talk about their houses also.

I put on the only pair of Jamberry Nail Wraps besides watermelons that I haven't worn yet. Pink zebra. Whoo! They look so cool and because I took my time putting them on, they seem to be stuck REALLY well. I guess that's the key thing. Take your time instead of rushing to apply them. I spent probably 30 or 40 minutes as opposed to my normal 15/20 minutes. I wasn't worried that I needed to go to bed soon like I normally am. Look at how sweet my nails are!!!

And those awesome KNITTED fingerless gloves are probably going to go up in the store today if I can manage to get some good pictures of them. I love them so much, but I need money more than I need fingerless gloves. I also have yet to fix my hair today. And that final smile is freakishly realistic. I don't know where it came from.

Anyway, those nails aren't available anymore, but they have some similar ones. Check them out on the jamberry site and get yourself some (four weeks of nails and 12 weeks of toes for $15? Thats a freaking steal!). And check back on my store by 4 or so today and I'll have the fingerless gloves and some other knitted stuff up.


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