April 1, 2014

#ReviewsdayTuesday "This Star Won't Go Out"

One of the last youtube videos posted by the vlogbrothers talked about them starting this reviewsday tuesday thing where everyone reviews a book on tuesday and tags it with "reviewsdaytuesday" on whatever platform they use. I figure that now is a good of a time as any to do this, so today I'm reviewing "This Star Won't Go Out".

I bought this book basically the day that it came out thanks to my kindle. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have read it yet since I don't get the chance to go to a bookstore very often. There was a lot of built up hype around this because it is a very unique book about/by a person who is very special to the Nerdfighter community, Esther Earl. I don't want to tell all of her story because you should totally read the book, plus you can visit tswgo.org for more information.

I know that I've talked about this book and Esther before, so I won't go into an extreme amount of detail. Esther was a teenage girl who had cancer and passed away several years ago. TSWGO started out as an organization in her memory/honor that helps families of sick children be able to afford to be with their kids. A few months ago, they released a book of the same name that tells the story of Esther.

The book is uniquely compiled in that it contains an introduction by her friend and favourite author (and my favourite author too), John Green. Then, her friends and family wrote/answered questions about Esther and their part in the whole thing. These various segments are scattered throughout the book in between journal entries and poems and drawings and pictures of Esther. It really was a beautiful book to read.

The only things that I didn't like were kind of things that couldn't be fixed. I really wished that it was longer. But there is only so much about someone's life that you can know. I also think that it could have been designed better for the kindle. There were times that I really hated reading on the kindle because the pictures were hard to see and I couldn't really zoom in. Lastly, I wish that I could have met Esther. Like, I just feel like she would be someone that I look up to, and in a way, she is.

If you do read this book, which you totally should, prepare to cry. There were times that I felt myself tearing up and I don't hardly cry at books and movies. Also, prepare to be ready to conquer the world and make a difference as soon as you set it down. Like, that was the first thing that I wanted to do. I felt like because Esther was such a great person and I could relate to her in so many ways, I could suddenly do anything. Or, almost like I needed to do something to change the way the world was. So, for starters, I put up some products on my online store that I will donate part of the proceeds to TSWGO (lizardbreath.storenvy.com).


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